(L) Long Paper
(S) Short Paper
Best Paper Candidate
Best Student Paper Candidate
09:20-10:20am Keynote Talk 1: "Murphy Goes 3D"
by Erik Jan Marinissen (IMEC, BE)
Abstract and bio are available here
10:20-10:30am Coffee Break
Fabrizio Lombardi (Northeastern University, US)
(L) Lifetime Memory Reliability Data from the Field
(L) High-Yield Design of High Density SRAM for Low-Voltage and Low-Leakage Operations
(L) Investigating the Effects of Process Variations and System Workloads on Endurance of Non-Volatile Caches
(S) Towards SRAM Leakage Power Minimization by Aggressive Standby Voltage Scaling – Experiments on 40nm Test Chips
Ernesto Sanchez (Politecnico di Torino, IT)
(L) RASSS: A Perfidy-Aware Protocol for Designing Trustworthy Distributed Systems
(L) Realizing Strong PUF from Weak PUF via Neural Computing
(S) Preventing Scan-Based Side-Channel Attacks Through Key Masking
12:30pm-01:50pm Lunch Break
Vasileios Tenentes, Geoff Merrett and Bashir M. Al-Hashimi (University of Southampton, UK)
Vasileios Tenentes (University of Southampton, UK)
(L) Reliable and energy-efficient guardbands for ageing
(L) Genetic Algorithms and Sensors for Exploring System Power Integrity
(L) Runtime Learning for Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Systems
02:50-03:00pm Coffee Break
Prashant Joshi (Cadence, US)
(L) Eliminating a Hidden Error Source in Stochastic Circuits
(L) Simulation-Based Evaluation of Frequency Upscaled Operation of Exact/Approximate Ripple Carry Adders
(L) CAL: Exploring Cost, Accuracy, and Latency in Approximate and Speculative Adder Design
04:00-05:00pm Demo session
09:00-10:00am Keynote Talk 2: "Functional Safety and Security: the Challenges in Developing IP for These Markets"
by Peter Harrod (Arm, UK)
Abstract and bio are available here
10:00-10:15am Coffee Break
Timothy M. Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)
(L) Kernel Vulnerability Factor and Efficient Hardening for Histogram of Oriented Gradients
(L) A Dynamic Reliability Management Framework for Heterogeneous Multicore Systems
(S) A scrubbing scheduling approach for reliable FPGA multicore processors with real-time constraints
(S) Region Based Containers - A new paradigm for the analysis of Fault Tolerant Networks
Toshinori Hosokawa (Nihon University, JP)
(L) On-Line Software-based Self-Test for ECC of Embedded RAM Memories
(S) On the Optimization of SBST Test Program Compaction
(L) Low Cost Error Monitoring for Improved Maintainability of IoT Applications
(S) A Defective Level Monitor of Open Defects in 3D ICs with a Comparator of Offset Cancellation Type
12:15pm-01:05pm Lunch Break
01:05-01:50pm Keynote Talk 3: "Fault-Tolerant Microbiology-on-a-Chip: Defects, Testing, Fault Avoidance, and Error
Recovery in Microfluidic Biochips"
by Krishnendu Chakrabarty (Duke University, US)
Abstract and bio are available here
Krishnendu Chakrabarty (Duke University, US)
Krishnendu Chakrabarty (Duke University, US)
(L) Volume Management for Fault-tolerant Continuous-flow Microfluidics
(L) Design-for-Testability for Paper-based Digital Microfluidic Biochips
(L) Reliability-aware Synthesis and Fault Test of Fully Programmable Valve Arrays (FPVAs)
(S) A Scalable Pseudo-Exhaustive Search for Fault Diagnosis in Microfluidic Biochips
03:45pm Social Event: Guided punting trip on the River Cam
06:30pm Social Dinner at the Trinity College
09:00-10:00am Keynote Talk 4: "Hardware-Assisted Security: Promises, Pitfalls and Opportunities"
by Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt, DE)
Abstract and bio are available here
10:00-10:40am Demo Session
Daniele Rossi (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
(L) Early estimation of aging in the design flow of integrated circuits through a programmable hardware module
(L) Lifetime Reliability Characterization of N/MEMS Used in Power Gating of Digital Integrated Circuits
(S) Unintrusive Aging Analysis based on Offline Learning
Paolo Rech (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BR)
(L) REMORA: A Hybrid Low-Cost Soft-Error Reliable Fault Tolerant Architecture
(S) Scheduling Voter Checks to Detect Configuration Memory Errors in FPGA-based TMR Systems
(S) High-energy Neutrons Characterization of a Safety Critical Computing System
(S) Exploring Soft Errors (SEUs) with Digital Imager Pixels ranging from 7 um to 1.2 um
12:20pm-02:00pm Lunch Break
Balaji Venu (Arm, UK)
(S) Detecting Errors in Instructions with Bloom Filters
(S) High Performance Fault Tolerance Through Predictive Instruction Re-Execution
(S) A Resilient Scheduler for Dataflow Execution
(S) A Novel Low-Overhead Fault Tolerant Parallel-Pipelined FFT Design
02:40-03:30pm Demo session
Mihalis Psarakis (University of Piraeus, GR)
(L) Reconfigurable TAP Controllers with Embedded Compression for Large Test Data Volume
(L) A Dynamic Test Compaction Method on Low Power Test Generation Based on Capture Safe Test Vectors
(L) Machine Learning Based Test Pattern Analysis for Localizing Critical Power Activity Areas
(S) Improving Test Compression with Multiple-Polynomial LFSRs