DFT is an annual Symposium providing an open forum for presentations in the field of defect and fault tolerance in VLSI and nanotechnology systems inclusive of emerging technologies. One of the unique features of this symposium is to combine new academic research with state-of-the-art industrial data, necessary ingredients for significant advances in this field. All aspects of design, manufacturing, test, reliability, and availability that are affected by defects during manufacturing and by faults during system operation are of interest.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original and unpublished contributions. Two types of submissions are possible: (i) regular paper (6 pages), and (ii) short paper (4 pages). Both types will be included in the symposium proceedings and should adhere to the IEEE conference template, 2-columns style (available here), and submitted as PDF file, electronically. Please refer to the symposium web page for updated information.
Submissions are managed by means of EasyChair. Please register or use your existing login at EasyChair to access the DFT 2017 area for submission at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dft2017
Each submission will be reviewed by the Program Co-Chairs to ensure compliance with the format criteria. The Program Co-Chairs will reject submissions that are not in compliance or that are out of scope of the conference. All submissions that meet the criteria and fit the scope of the conference will be reviewed by at least three members of the Technical Program Committee. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, soundness, importance of contribution, quality of presentation, and appropriate comparison to related work. The Program Co-Chairs will make the final decisions about which submissions are accepted for presentation at the conference.
Papers will be accepted for long or short oral presentation at the symposium. Proceedings will be published and included in the IEEE Digital Library. It is mandatory that authors of accepted presentations attend to present their work at the conference and also that each accepted paper is accompanied by at least one full conference registration fee payment (no student registration) before the authors' registration deadline for the manuscript to be included and published in the proceedings.
All papers will be considered for the DFT 2017 Best Paper Award.
A best student paper award, sponsored by Cadence, will be assigned during the event. Rules to be considered for this award:
A call for papers for a special issue in the IET Computers & Digital Techniques will be announced after the symposium. Authors of papers presented at DFT 2017 will be invited to submit extended versions of their work.
List of the technical program committee members.
Downloadable Call for Submissions Flyer pdf.
DFT 2017 seeks proposals for Special Sessions. The special sessions should aim at providing a complementary experience with respect to the regular sessions by focusing on hot and emerging topics of interest to the DFT community, as well as on multi-disciplinary topics, that are expected to have a significant impact on DFT activities in the future (e.g. reliability aspects in Internet-of-Things, autonomous systems or medical appliances, such as microfluid biochips). A special session could consist of a set of individual presentations or a panel, possibly with experts from the industry. Upon acceptance, special session presenters can prepare either a single paper for the entire session or one paper per presenter to be included in the formal proceedings. For this reason, papers (presenting original and unpublished contributions and that may be 4 pages or 6 pages long) for special session will go through review process. For the single-session papers, it will be possible to purchase 2 extra pages at an additional cost.
Submission Process: Submitted proposals should include:
Proposal submissions should be presented in a single PDF to be sent via e-mail to both Program Chairs:
By means of their submission, all presenters agree to register for and participate to DFT 2017, in case their special session proposal is accepted.
Prospective authors should adhere to the following deadlines:
Downloadable Call for Submissions Flyer pdf.