All final versions of the papers, revised according to the reviewers' comments should be prepared and uploaded to the submission website by August 4, 2017.
All papers must conform to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines to be published in the conference electronic proceedings and in the IEEE Xplore. Submissions must be in PDF format.
All papers should be formatted as close as possible to the final format: A4 or letter sheets, two-columns, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt.
Make sure that you are using the correct IEEE style file: the title should be typeset in 24pt font and the body of the paper should be typeset in 10pt font. Use either the MS Word template or the LaTeX class (available here). We strongly encourage the use of LaTeX for the preparation of the paper: please use:
Finally, follow the following instructions.
Before you prepare your final pdf document, it is required that all papers submitted to IEEE publications include a copyright clearance code at the bottom of the first page of each paper. The correct notice to use depends on the country of residence of the authors, and is as follows:
For LaTeX users, note that the \IEEEpubid tag is deactivated by default in the IEEE-conf.tex file when it is of type conference. This can be overwritten to allow you to add the copyright clearance code by adding the following commands just after the \begin{document} line:
\IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{978-1-5386-0362-8/17/$31.00 \copyright 2017 IEEE \hfill} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}
The example above is for the fourth category of papers above, i.e. all other papers, which applies to most authors. If you experience problems with the above LaTex instructions when using bibtex, and if you are using \usepackage{fixltx2e}, then please remove the \usepackage{fixltx2e}.
Before you submit your camera ready of the accepted papers, you must IEEE PDF eXpress to verify the IEEE Xplore compatibility. The specific conference ID is 41685XP. Note that, IEEE PDF eXpress can also be used to create the PDF file from your source files, such that the PDF file is automatically IEEE Xplore-compatible. If your camera-ready version is not compatible with IEEE Xplore, your paper will not be included in the conference proceedings. The detailed instruction for how to use IEEE PDF eXpress is as below:
IMPORTANT: Any changes made to a PDF after IEEE PDF eXpress Plus conversion or PDF checking may invalidate Xplore compatibility and run the risk of being excluded from publication on IEEE Xplore.
Please complete the following form, that will redirect you to the IEEE copyright website
* separate with commas, if multiple items.
Camera ready papers are managed by means of EasyChair, the same website used for the initial submission at