Chair: Adrian Evans, CEA LETI
- High Performance Memory Repair (*)
F. Merchant, A. Devarajan, A. Basu, D. Ashen, B. Yelton and P. Joshi - Predicting Single Event Upsets in DRAM
D. Kline Jr, S. Longofono, R. Melhem and A. Jones - Scalable and Configurable Multi-Chip SRAM in a Package for Space Applications
A. Simevski, P. Skoncej, C. Calligaro and M. Krstic
Organizers: Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology and Matteo Sonza Reorda, Politecnico di Torino
Chair: Paolo Rech, LANL / UFRGS
- Challenges of Reliability Assessment and Enhancement in Autonomous Systems
M. Jenihhin, M. S. Reorda, A. Balakrishnan and D. Alexandrescu - On-line Testing for Autonomous Systems driven by RISC-V Processor Design Verification
A. Ruospo, R. Cantoro, E. Sanchez, P. D. Schiavone, A. Garofalo and L. Benini - HYPERSDF: a highly reliable platform for data fusion in autonomous driving applications
M. Violante, L. Bongiovanni, R. Groppo and P. Santero
Chair: Prashant Joshi, Intel
- Effects of Heavy Ion and Proton Irradiation on a SLC NAND Flash Memory
L. M. Luza, A. Bosser, V. Gupta, A. Javanainen, A. Mohammadzadeh and L. Dilillo - Fault tolerant photovoltaic array: a repair circuit based on memristor sensing
L. Gnoli, G. Carnicelli, A. Parisi, U. Luca, S. I. P. Ibarra, B. Kabashi, F. Michieletti, M. Graziano, M. Vacca, M. Jimson and M. Ottavi - Testing of In-Memory-Computing 8T SRAMs
T.-L. Tsai, J.-F. Li, C.-L. Hsu and C.-T. Sun