DFT 2018
The 31st IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, October 8 – October 10, 2018 Chicago, IL, USA
This page provides instructions for submitting papers to DFT 2018. In an effort to respect the efforts of reviewers and in the interest of fairness to all prospective authors, we request that all submissions follow the formatting and submission rules detailed below. Submissions that violate these instructions may not be reviewed, at the discretion of the program chair, in order to maintain a review process that is fair to all potential authors.
Submission Site
Submissions are managed by means of EasyChair. Please register or use your existing login at EasyChair to access the DFT 2018 area for submission at
Paper Preparation Instructions
Paper Formatting
Papers must be submitted in printable PDF format and should contain a maximum of 6 pages (or 4 pages for short papers) of single-spaced two-column text, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt, including any appendixes and references. Use either the MS Word template or the LaTeX class available here: IEEE templates. If you are usign LaTeX, please specify
Paper Submission Instructions
Declaring Authors
Declare all the authors of the paper upfront. Addition/removal of authors once the paper is accepted will have to be approved by the program chair, since it potentially undermines the goal of eliminating conflicts for reviewer assignment.
Concurrent Submissions and Workshops
By submitting a manuscript to DFT’18, the authors guarantee that the manuscript has not been previously published or accepted for publication in a substantially similar form in any conference, journal, or workshop. The only exceptions are (1) workshops without archived proceedings such as in the ACM/IEEE digital library (or where the authors chose not to have their paper appear in the archived proceedings), or (2) venues, such as IEEE CAL, where there is an explicit policy that such publication does not preclude longer conference submissions. These are not considered prior publications. Technical reports and papers posted on public social media sites, Web pages, or online repositories, such as arxiv.org, are not considered prior publications either. The authors also guarantee that no paper that contains significant overlap with the contributions of the submitted paper will be under review for any other conference, journal, or workshop during the DFT’18 review period. Violation of any of these conditions will lead to rejection. As always, if you are in doubt, it is best to contact the program chair(s). Finally, we also note that the IEEE Plagiarism Policy (http://www.ieee.org/