welcome to DFT 2016
Sep. 19-20, 2016 @ University of Connecticut
This is the 29th edition of the Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems Symposium, DFT, an annual Symposium providing an open forum for presentations in the field of defect and fault tolerance. One of the unique features of this symposium is to combine new academic research with state-of-the-art industrial data, necessary ingredients for significant advances in this field.
Keynote speeches by Vilas Sridharan (read more) and by Swarup Bhunia (read more).
Latest news
- There will be a welcome reception on Monday, from 5:00PM to 6:30PM: check the program
- Information on the venue available here
- The final program is now available here
- Conference registration is now open: link
- Group rate negotiated for the Nathan Hale: more details
- Camera ready and author registration deadline: August 8
- Camera ready submission instructions now available here
- New notification date: July 5
- Accomodation information now available.
- Final deadline extension for paper submission: May 16.
- Final deadline extension for special session proposals to May 16.
- Submissions are now open link